We all learn best when fully engaged in what we are doing. An essential
ingredient in this engagement is an active attention: an enlivened
state that combines an alert mind, deep interest and a responsive
body. Learning in this way affirms the whole child and brings a
new quality to the student's work, a quality of being "one's own."
At the Blue Rock School
teachers are involved in the search for ways of helping the children
learn in this way. In order to call forth the children's full attention,
the teachers also need to be fully attentive, to be available to
the children, to listen to them, to hear them. They need to share
a vision of the whole child that includes precious intangibles that
cannot be weighed, measured, tested or graded. A kind of clear-sighted
flexible planning is required that allows room for education in
the moment. To find out more about our Assessment
and Standards click here.
school's atmosphere provides both warmth and firm limits, both the
freedom to explore and the security of intentional direction.
It is a place where the
thoughts, feelings and aspirations are developed through relationships
with teachers and peers. Classes are small at Blue Rock and all
the staff knows each child. Students sense that they are part of
a community, and children of different ages often work and play
together. The extensive and close communication among staff members
is a unique ingredient of the school.
the seeds of knowledge.
on this web site courtesy of Eilleen Brady Nelson and Tom Nelson.